Scott's Sweaters

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700-010 New Handknit Unisex Turtleneck Mohair Sweater

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Newly hand-knit unisex turtleneck sweater, made of the finest Scottish mohair.

There's just a hint of copper knit into this design.  There's a couple of close-up photos below that show this detail.

Brush it up, or tone it down.  You can adjust the fuzzy loft as you like.  In the photographs below, you'll see several with the loft brushed down, followed by a picture of the loft brushed up.

Note: The one I had in-stock has sold.  Others can be knit to your size, but please check with me on availability of yarn before ordering.

Measurements Knit to Size
(shoulder to cuff)
(Mid-shoulder to bottom)


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