Style: 611-005T (Turtleneck)
Color #002 Light-Grey
Color #003 Dark-Grey
Color #001 White
Color #022 Wine-Red
#001 White
#002 Light grey
#003 Grey
#022 Wine-red
#022 Wine-red
#015 Camel
Standard colors available...
Starting at... $286
Here's what I have in-stock ready to ship.
All other colors and sizes can
be made and shipped within a couple of weeks.
Color |
X-Small (38) |
Small (40) |
Medium (42) |
Medium (44) |
Large (46) |
X-Large (48) |
XX-Large (50) |
3X-Large (50) |
White (#001) |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Light Grey (#002) |
Grey (#003) |
1 |
2 |
Dark Green (#006) |
Black (#011) |
Red-Coffee (#012) |
Camel (#015) |
1 |
1 |
Russet-red (#017) |
1 |
Army Green (#019) |
Dark Blue (#020) |
Wine-Red (#022) |
Light Blue (025) |
Purple-Red (#026) |
Grey (#027) |
Crew-neck /
Zipper-Front /
Button-Front /
Turtleneck/ V-Neck